bm a/v

Yes! And it's crazy how he replicated the snake in the bath scene almost exactly in Nightmare when Nancy falls asleep in the tub.

Too bad you didn't take a moment to consider your knee jerk reaction before responding, potatohead. You missed the point of my comment and I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you. Your handle describes your mindset perfectly.

Literature and the visual entertainment of film television are different mediums. In the second paragraph, the writer of this piece only cites film and television writers, which is a very poor choice to illustrate the point that great writers don't always write novels. Film and tv need actors, set designers,

Lena Dunham's TV and movies are better than yours. That's why you hate her. And because she's young. And because she's a girl. And because you're jealous.

Lena Dunham's TV and movies are better than yours. That's why you hate her. And because she's young. And because she's a girl. And because you're jealous.