
I've decided to limit my viewing of detective/murder mysteries to just this one: Elementary. There really is too much of them on TV; might as well watch the version with the really cool turtle!

The scenes with Derek Jacobi alone (esp when Cinderella bumps into him as she's leaving the palace) make this the best Cinderella adaptation I've seen. The movie really holds up, viewing it months later after the theatrical release.

Where's Ciaran Hinds? He's ever reliable in any role you put him in. He's in Game of Thrones, the Harry Potter series, Rome, and pretty much all the Austen (definitive Captain Wentworth!) and Hardy adaptations that get made!

No Tobias Menzies, no Pancakes!

I thought there were better wuxia movies that came out of Homg Kong/Asia, so I wasn't impressed with Crouching Tiger. We all have on "what shouldn't have won" (wow, don't get me started on The Departed), but I'm glad we sometimes have different kinds of recognition for Best Picture. Gladiator is a very well done pop

I think Crowe has been chastened over the years, probably around the time he became a parent. Take away the sheen of jerk, and he's stayed a very good actor, really masterful. His "grand" scenes are deservingly recognized, but he's wonderful in small moments as well. Cinderella Man is full of them (most of them with

I loved the Thomas Newman score, and I thought Chris O'Donnell portrayed his role rather affectingly. More pleasure to be had than Al Pacino's acting, for sure.

The chubby Brit is being more clever, funny and creative than Fallon. In many ways, over many nights. Yet all I see are media pick ups for the non-brilliant Fallon stuff that is insipid and cloying. What gives? Is it time to think about conspiracy theories??

Another vote for the resumption of Clyde Watch! Even if it's just in the tags. Clyde already has a tough go because the writers don't put him in the show as much as we NEED — don't abandon him too, Genevieve!

Hoping the show does great things for Daniel Wu!

Please, tv gods… please YES. Daniel Wu is a fantastic talent, has beautiful looks (which can't hurt) and is actually American!

This no"fun" fact — it's a super sad one as Patrick Doyle's score had a wonderful melody and possessed some awesome anthemic heft. I was so disappointed that the score didn't carry on to the second Thor movie.

What a great film, from adaptation to the performance to that beautiful, memorable score. I personally think all Shakespeare film adaptations post Henry V/1989 owes full debt to this movie. It helped us realize that Shakespeare CAN be brought to life in a fresh and relatable way.

Yep, My Week With Marilyn was a bit of chore get through (Eddie Redmayne, wide-eyed again), and Michelle Williams did a great impersonation (though not quite a performance) of Monroe. But Branagh lit up the place when was on screen.

My favorite part is when Henry tells the French herald, that after everything in the battle that "he can have these joints", but it would yield them "little." I want to say that in battle (or an argument) at some point in my life)

Karl Johnson played the old man in the Benedict Cumberbatch/Jonny Lee Miller Frankenstein play, and Karl stole scenes and was a standout too. He really knows how to rob the B-Catch.

The degree of difficulty was so high, but yes, Branagh did indeed crush it and nailed the landing. And I think Branagh's Henry V has a legacy too; see how comfortable we are with Shakespeare in pop culture today? Before 1989, Shakespeare was a musty, old times thing.

Patrick Doyle — that score stands up beautifully 25 years later. I wish it was also nominated for an Oscar. Best score debut is deserving (and he acted in the movie too!)

Darn yes, Team Jess forever!

Don't worry, he's just a little horse.