
Yes, I am a Nicolas Cage defender! Even when he's "bad", he stays connected to what he's doing.

Do cocks like to be petted? And in a zoo, or any location?

"My bathmat means more to me than you!"

I thought the Newsroom staff hated McAvoy (and not just the Internets, haha). Wasn't that a big point in the pilot episode? And cut to a year later, they would walk into a fire for him? And be touched by his martyrdom of saying he took himself out of the anniversary special?

The "deadbeat dad" issue isn't a big deal to me. Superman is leaving the care of his son to adoptive parents who care for him, just as his own adoptive parents did well by him. I also understand that the dynamic of a son not raised by him was going to be explored in the next movie, but alas we are never going to see

It was only partially Kryptonite, and he used every last ounce of his power to do it. It could've killed him, but he chose to do it anyway. (Just like Jesus going through his agony/passion.) He even rose from the dead after (three?) days…

We know it's still you, Outspan!

We know it's still you, Outspan!