
Does Banderas look like a five year old scamp in that picture our what? Also, he's short

I'm shit out of luck
since my phobia is eating horse dick.

So William Zanzinger
didn't kill poor Hattie Carrol? I refuse to believe that shit.

Dylan's throwdown with the Mamma's and the Papa's has to be some of the most violent shit I've ever witnessed at a folk festival.

Dylan's voice a fake?
Certainly in Nashville Skyline, but otherwise, wha?

Prelinary census results reveal that 37% of Americans identify themselves as "batshit crazy" so you might be wrong.

Besh was on last year, and I was completely bummed that he didn't make it. I"d love to see Donald Link give it a go.

Yup, stephan got shit in the season that shall not be named for using premade sausage.

Welcome back Gail
Her and Bourdain would make a judging/host dream team.

I enjoy the cartoon
and the cartoon Anakin is a lot more likeable than the guy who played him in the prequels.

Add me to the Roald Dahl lovers, especially Danny, the Champion of the World. That book maanagest to combine a child's innonence with a strong subversion of adult authority. Not sure how he pulls it off, but it is amazing. Just ordered it for me two boys, and can't wait to read it to them.

Just reset it in the French and Indian War and you're all set.

Thanks God for Dwight Yoakam
In high school and college I worked at a grocery store that played shitty pop-country music. There were only about 5 songs that I liked, and when I asked my country-loving friend about them, they were all by Dwight.

Doesn't every angsty teen drama rip of Catcher in the Rye? I'm surprised salinger didn't try to cash it in for a movie, he was always such a media whore.

another reason
not to tune in to the Oscars

I have only one fruit rule-if it grows in nature and it would make a declicious desert (especially with whipped cream), then it is a fruit.

This stuff almost ended my marriage
My wife and her family are from Singapore-she loves this stuff, as do her parents. Much to their chagrin, When we went back to Singapore to visit them I could literally read the sadness in disappointment in their eyes when I tried it and told them I didn't like it.

Not so sure about this
I put it in my Netflix queue (more as a reminder to see it when it comes to theaters) and Netflix recommended "28 days" as a similiar movie to watch instantly now. Am I missing something really important?

I didn't realize that the new "Crazies" movie was a remake. I just saw the trailer on TV and figured, "well, Hollywood has completely run out of ideas." On second thought, yet another remake is probably also evidence of that.

This shoot ended horribly when
Tony Bennet, quite reasonably, started verbally degrading all the other "artists."