pan's labyrinth
I'm surprised no one has compared it to Pan's Labyrinth in terms of visuals. Both did a great job of creating a lush, visually compelling fantasy word (The Fall less actually fantasy, but still).
pan's labyrinth
I'm surprised no one has compared it to Pan's Labyrinth in terms of visuals. Both did a great job of creating a lush, visually compelling fantasy word (The Fall less actually fantasy, but still).
Thanks Prince
We're now officially fucked.
I also generally use Netflix streaming to explore older movies, things I might not otherwise subject my wife too.
Best chef fails again?
Seems like this is the third year in a row where the presumed frontrunner didn't win (I say presumed because unlike previous years, Kevin, Brian, and Mike were damned near neck and neck).
next week's finale
Anybody else get the impression that the final challenge is cooking for a bunch of mafia dons in some backroom somewhere?
I totally hate it when someone I've never met takes a picture of the food they ordered at one of the best restaurants in the country so they could capture a special memory.
Bronsonman's right-in the intial tasting it seemed like Brian's was the worst, and he sends up winning (insert annyoing if slightly charming laugh here)
I will seriously go apeshit if Kevin doesn't win-I love the style of food he cooks and the fact he could give two fucks if others think it is too simple
Hard to argue with that lineup. Maybe Judy Rodgers (Zuni Cafe) as the California, new American cuisine type (though I wouldn't stricly label her in that genre)?
Thomas Kellar
Anybody read this apperance as a sign that he may be on top chef masters at some point? Or am I being too optimistic?
Pretty even contest
Scott hit it right on the head-I couldn't tell who was going and who was staying. In general, after hearing Gavin's comment about the zuchinni basket, I was a bit underwhelmed by the offerings. They all looked great, but none were up to that over the top outrageousness that I guess I was…
I took it like Bronsonman-Eli and him are buds, and he's trying to say, "that dish would have been pretty fucking awesome [debatable at best], but it is so challenging, you would have to give it a few chances."
I think the agreement was that Keller gets to ritually sacrifice the losing contestant to the Culinary Gods. Seems a fair trade to me.
Generally the judges don't hold the contestants to the challenge standards too closely if there food is good. Look at the bottom three-all fell because they tried to be too literal with challenge.
No shit-I'd much rather eat Kevin's "simple" food that some foam shit. Mike's a good cook, no doubt, but ragging on Kevin is just dumb.
Based on recent performance, I have to agree, but if Jen can turn it around, she's definitely top three material.
Dafoe's preformance was, to me, the only redeeming quality of the first film (and that's saying something, because I rather like this genre), so there is no chance I'll be seeing this one.
If Jen get's back on her A-game, then I put her third on your list. I'm hoping it is Jen, Kevin, and Michael in the finals.
I don't think it is too big a stretch when I say that even some shitty supermarket parmesan cheese would have made every single one of those dishes taste better.
I have to disagree-I much prefer chefs making excellent food than crashing and burning