
And lamb, think Mousakka

I agree with Bronsonman that Besh should be one of the favorites, but after seeing Hubert Keller's skills (and more star power on the way), it's going to be a fun ride.

Hell yes
and it even stars one Nicholas Cage

I'll second Nate's Bolt recommendation-I thought it would be awful but it was suprisingly well-done with a nice satire/sentimentality balance

I'll defend Cars, but my love for that movie is probably 90% sentimental. It was the first movie we took my oldest son to see, and for about a year and half it was the only movie he and his brother watched. It isn't the greatest Pixar movie, but that isn't exactly a complaint, since Pixar's toss-offs>Kung Fu Panda

I agree with Test Tube monkey except on one point: I'm never too tired to have sex with your wife-HEYOH!

I agree with the above comments. I have two boys, and I've found that parenting isn't rocket science, but it is really hard work. In other words, the rules of being a good parent are pretty straightforward-spend time with your kids, show them affection, set clear boundaries about appropriate behavior, and walk the

I don't see any problem with this, Queen is Brian May and a flambouantly gay lead singer-what's missing?

True, but Phoenix did a solid job as Johnny Cash even though he's, you know, a rapper, and not a singer.

After The Aviator
I would love to see DiCaprio play Blue Eyes with Scorsese directing

Next Obama will be banning ketchup in schools

Just to be clear, one thing I'm not confused about is I'm certain that Sean Hannity is a douche, but there is little debate on that point.

I'm just glad he didn't order a brat with ketchup, my monocle would have shattered from my incredulousness. I'm pretty live and let live when it comes to food, but I will skull fuck anyone (except the future Mrs. Calfornia since that would violate the sanctity of opposite marriage) that dares put ketchup on a

I was hoping to be the first one to point out what a pussy Obama is for not ordering a rare burger. Actually, don't they eat raw beef (steak tartar) in France, so maybe this was Obama's way of saying "fuck you" to France. God, I'm so confused right now.

Great review
I'm now genuinely excited to see this movie. Of course, I'd really like to know if this is an 86% B+, or an 89% B+, that makes a HUGE differnce.

JPJ of Zeppelin fame clearly had talent.

When they announced last week that tonight would be a rock theme this week, I told my wife that Adam better do Led Zeppelin. Glad he did, because he was a whole lotta Robert Plant. I'm not sure if Adam's gayness was able to overpower Zeppelin's cock rock swagger, but it was fun to watch.

I'm sentimental as hell, and absolutely loved Lars and the Real Girl, so this will be tops on my list. Besides, what's the alternative, something with Matthew McCoungneyhy?

There's so much out there
that it makes it hard as a parent to cover everything that's really good. I think I benefited from my parents emphasis on reading (we didn't have a TV), a love I'm trying to pass on to my two sons. Right now we're still in the kiddie books stage-one of my all time favorites are the frog and

Like others, I all thre Monday night dudes fine on their own (I think Mike tireco is generally underrated), but they suck balls when they get around each other. It's like negative synergy or something.