
The Mad Bomb! Howard invented the Mad Bomb in the MCU, why the hell did he keep these things?!

To be fair on that tho, Jake was getting flak for it throughout the episode and if he didn't catch the guy, would have been sued or brought up on charges himself….something that isn't really done in real life.

I've missed us.

Just coming off a realistic raccoon, that's concerning.

As long as James Gunn is 100% in on it, then it is in good hands.

Well let's be fair. Michael Bay didn't change what TMNT was.

Talking turtles are so 1990s.

You always either add or subtract a grade when it comes to Dowd. So GoTG is a A while this is a D+.

No run in with a cougar, no peace.

Gamora's look during it was priceless, god that was such a great scene.

It had the typical "Balls out Third Act" that Marvel Studios is known for, but the callbacks through out the movie during it made it all so much better. (the crowd burst into laughter with the Kevin Bacon joke. One of the many times they ended up so)

Sounds like nerissapartington will if you work from home.

"Apparently the higher-ups at FX were turned off by How And Why’s “unusual mix of comedy and drama,” and they were concerned that it “would not mesh well with the rest of the lineup.” "

The system wins again.

That's actually taken by a female Roller Derby team.

It's always the cougar, it always have been the cougar.

Ok, maybe not a dark hole, but at least in the beginning of how this season started, it wouldn't have shocked me if Heller would have signed that order that Mark ended up forging.

My pants sure can.

Yeah, but in six, Martha goes batshit crazy and stabs Logan.

I dunno, 8 was pretty bad to watch. The only thing it had going for it was Jack's sendoff.