holy fucking shit

droid > blackberry. just go to the verizon store and play with both for 5 minutes each.

Yeah, me too.
But I'm really wired. What do you say I take you home and eat your pussy?

i agree.

fuck this
i just set my copy of "the big rewind" that i haven't read yet on fire. a friend of the situation is no friend of mine.

no one is worse than benjy. no one.

tha carter III
is one of the better album covers of the decade.

pic gargles balls.

shark attack 3
shark attack 3 is the best bad movie of this decade, and of all fucking time. "the line" is the greatest thing that has ever happened in the history of mankind.

looks like jason segel might be preggers too. lay off the pizza chubbs.

just started reading this
only 30 pages deep, and already some major revelations…

kitchen nightmares game
i want a kitchen nightmares pc game. starts out with gordon helping you, but as levels progress you have to figure it out on your own. you could check out other people's restaurants in real time, like that dumbass facebook game these kids like so much.

the most important thing
are there tits, or what?

"If she ever wanted to divorce Don, all she needs is that box of old photographs and the divorce paper from Anna Draper."

half minute hero
is also your mother's nickname for me. for serious.