
"We've officially bottomed out"


Eh, if you think a show on HBO sucks, HBO can't really do much about it. The point about HBO and (to a lesser extent?) basic cable is that they don't micromanage the shows too much, like the networks tend to do with notes and whatnot. And I still think HBO have the biggest amount of good shows of any cable network

Yeah, the "blacks and the jews" line is my favourite end to a Seinfeld episode (the minute or so of scenes over the credits doesn't count).

Speaking of The Burning, the A-plot in that episode with Elaine and Puddy is delightful. "I'm not the one going to hell."

"Unwatchable"? Come on, especially season 8 has some classic episodes: The Bizarro Jerry, The Summer of George, The Van Buren Boys etc., and season 9 has, among other great episodes, The Merv Griffin Show. The A-plot in that episode might be my favourite story of all time in Seinfeld, SO many quotable lines and

It's all good, it's just that I've never thought of the concept of "wheel-spinning" when watching Seinfeld.

Absolutely agree. I think the norm is to cut two minutes of Seinfeld episodes in syndication, and that leads to jokes that doesn't have anything to do with the plot getting cut. That's often the best jokes too.

"but I’ve complained about wheel-spinning the last couple weeks and this is the ultimate example."

That's pretty good, never finished that mission.

If I'm not mistaken, the games have a "previously on…" mechanics, so you'll get the the overall story if you just buy the last game (Brotherhood, I think, not that long to Revelations though). I'd still recommend everything from that series except the first game, though, because of the gameplay. The first game was

Yeah, it's that "Templars are everwhere" nonsense that makes the story pretty bad, but I agree that the attention to details when it comes to architecture can be pretty amazing. I thought that especially Brotherhood looked absolutely fantastic.

The Assassin's Creed story is, for the most part, pretty stupid. Templars, historical setting combined with a current-day setting no one cares about blah blah blah. The reason I love these games is the gameplay, so not holding up hope for this being the first really good video game to movie adaptation.

Well, I guess you could call some of the episodes of Twilight Zone close to horror, same with Tales from the Crypt (even though that show was more silly than anything). But I still maintain that there's a market for it.

I'm not even going to go into the "severly damaged people can do awful things by watching this" argument. It's been done to death when it comes to video games, and is a dumb argument. You can't censor entertainment just because of the fact that there's crazy people out there. If a crazy person kills someone because he

@avclub-a93a879594c13c12a83fd45ab289a022:disqus To be fair to Deadwood, she didn't really have a big role in that show, at least compared to her role in Breaking Bad. I never thought she took away from Deadwood because she was such a minor part of it.

Of course the viewing public is ready for a weekly horror TV show. It's a niche that really hasn't been filled yet (this show isn't really horror, it's just random ass shit), and original programming on niches. The Walking Dead has shown that people still love "scary" shit, it doesn't even have to be good!

I wouldn't say the show is complex, to be that it would need to make any sort of sense. Not everything we don't understand can be termed "complex", this show is just random as fuck. I'll still watch it because I kinda enjoy it in a "so bad it's good" sort of way, but it's a simple show that makes no sense at all.

I think it's pretty human to test your limitis, and film like this goes under that category. Some people do that by parachuting, others watch gross-out movies. I totally understand it, but don't feel the need to watch those kinds of movies myself (a friend is still trying to get me to watch A Serbian Film, but fuck