
Yeah, more or less. A reviewer called the monster "rock spiders", which is all you need to know about this film.

Someone mentioned the Britney episode, which I agree with. Honestly, there's a lot of bad episodes of South Park, especially from the last seasons.

Nah, the worst episode of Always Sunny is by FAR The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell.

Agree completely. I think more comics would be sold if Marvel and especially DC put out more one-off stories and didn't bother with the overarching mythos of the whole thing. And would we, the comic nerds, lose anything if that was the case? I stopped caring about the alternate universes, the x amounts of earths etc.

Agree, discovered Cul de Sac a couple of months ago and I'm loving it. I with you luck with Team Cul de Sac, my grand father had the disease for the last twenty years of his life so I've seen close-up how serious it is.

SPOILER, as if anyone cares…

More importantly, have this site ever given anything an E? I've been a reader of this site for years and can't remember anything getting that grade.

I'm guessing Rabin reviewed that one.

You're not a doctor?

A Community musical sounds perfectly logical to me. If there's a show out there that can pull it off, it's Community.

I live in Norway and can see the Community promo, but not P&R. Using Firefox.

The writer of the episode said that the only time he tried to "make" a catchphrase was when using the word "anti-dentite" in that episode. Yadda-yadda was used because it was a funny phrase.

Since when was she NOT considered hot?

That implies that McGyver was a good show, which it just wasn't.

"By the end, it was begging to be put out of its misery."

If I remember correctly, NBC fucked up with that pilot episode - David just got half of his original script into the finished product. But yeah, it's not a good episode at all.

I think Bully is regarded as one of the best episodes of the show, but I agree with you.

I follow the series and I still think of "Fly" as the weakest episode so far. When re-watching I find myself fast-forwarding till the last ten or so minutes of the episode. The whole fly aspect does nothing at all for me.

Yeah, the comment section just didn't turn up for a while there earlier today. Disqus, I love you so much.

Look in this comment section and you'll find many classics. My personal favourite is the "if we pull this off, we'll eat like kings" with the two spiders.