His name? Albert Einstein.
His name? Albert Einstein.
dislike :/
thank you, Jesus. I haven't seen Michael Cera in ANYTHING lately. I even watched "Hits" because Netflix deigned to list him in the main cast despite him having about 3 minutes of screentime. I love that dude. He's so funny, and… dare I say sexy??
Oh, rap-rock. What it meant to me will eventually be a memory…
I dunno, to me at least, not getting into your top school (even if it's because your brother ruined your science project by mistake) isn't a life-ruiner. I think getting disowned from your family is a lot worse. He went to a backup school and was equally successful.
but the pavement never sank beneath my feet before… I must be getting fat!
is there a particular live album you recommend?
Waterloo Sunset is the greatest song of all time!!! OF ALL TIME!!
Dizzy Miss Lizzy is actually terrible, and should totally have been the pick for D.
I think I read somewhere that John Lennon (later in life?) didn't like the song, he felt like he was being a misogynist AND ripping off Elvis.
my phone has no space, and I still have an ipod from pre-iphone days
the traffic report on my local radio station would use an isolated "beep beep, beep beep, yeah!" as their theme, it got a little annoying
I love The Long and Winding Road!! I used to listen to that song while walking down long, winding roads, and laugh to myself.
I love his obnoxious cover… especially him declaring "I did it! I defiled a timeless piece of art!" at the end, I totally cracked up.
i cri evrytiem
I liked it and it still pops up. I only have one like to give, AVC!!!
it's clickbait, I tell you!!
Are you sure that's a spoiler? It was in the first book…
seconded on Sleep. that song gives me an existential crisis EVERY TIME