" The next step is to examine what that prevalence says about our society."
" The next step is to examine what that prevalence says about our society."
I think the point, though, is to use generally beloved shows (like Buffy, or even Arrow) for clickbait reasons.
it takes a village…
You bring up a great point, Urkel. TV writers: please take a moment to ask yourself, "Did I do that?"
Wow, that's quite a shitstorm in the comments of her latest column.
it's about ethics in TV journalism.
well, more like 9.5. 9 would be an A-.
You bring up such good points. I kind of love that AP is this misanthropic weirdo.
Personally Bright Lit Blue Skies doesn't register as a top song. But switch out Butthouse Blondies (lol) for that one and you've got a list of my top Ariel Pink songs.
now it's just regular graffiti
he and sally draper look EXACTLY THE SAME; I even made this side-by-side photo comparison to convince the haters: https://pbs.twimg.com/media…
Dayzed Inn Daydreams has gotta be up there with my fav Ariel Pink tracks, ever. I don't even mind that the guy is a total tool. Admittedly I only have his last 3 albums (I got Scared Famous and… I think I need some more time to 'get' his older stuff), but I really love his music.
Everyone's sonia-hate is so fucking annoying. She is really insightful, smart, and I often agree with her opinions. Sure, sometimes she'll have a factual error in one of her write-ups but is that really such a huge deal??
wow, I feel like I know so much about you now.
well, if you want it to focus on a mystery about a bunch of murders, rather than focus on the relationship between Hart and Cohl, and your criticism was that there wasn't enough mystery in it… it seems like you want it to be more mystery-oriented than character-oriented? Not focusing on the mystery isn't objectively a…
well, they were ex-cops by that point so it's not like they had an army of policemen at their disposal.
A Serious Man is in my top 5 favorite movies of all time. Of all time!!
I think the goal is to use a slightly incendiary headline to spur an intellectual analyzing and comparing the two shows.
"If Madoka Magica is saying anything, it's saying that life will absolutely crush you and entropy is inevitable, but there's reason to hope."
dude, DUUUDE, Madoka Magica will blow your mind. It, along with TD, was one of relatively few shows that utterly blew my mind this year. It is philosophically and temporally complex, emotionally upsetting, and has the power of friendship. All while maintaining the guise of being a show for 12-year-old girls.