Fernando Diaz

I don't know… you can't make a movie about killing a real life dictator without expecting, at least, some angry people. This whole situation is very scary, how do you respond to death threats? Releasing the movie just because "yeah americA, FUCK NORTH KOREA" and risking the life of hundreds of people is… kind of

"Why drag down a classic just to compete with the lime pits of "New
Jersey cock fights," or whatever horrible thing some executive is
presently preparing to squat out of his roiling bowels?"

Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg present: We need more good things in the world

More like DemoCRAZY, amiright?

Legalize ranch!

Erase Errata! You never heard of Erase Errata?! Dude… Erase Errata… Erase Errata is so good… Erase Errata



The top ten, in no particular order:

Suddenly, I have this weird feeling that the next episode of South Park will be about Gamergate, or at least they will talk about that. I don't know why. I'm scared.

We should be thankful that we got a second season of Review.

I don't understand why little clips like this one are blocked in other countries. Can someone explain this to me, please? It doesn't make any sense.

When was the last time we saw Ron? He was a little distracting on this episode.

*Stupid black garlic burger.


Pardon me?

This is not a clip of the animated show. It's just a test footage, to know the tone of the show, style, and design. Maybe the actual show will be similar, but we don't know yet.

I watched the first episode and it was pretty boring for me. I will give it another shot.

CONFIRMED: maybe something will happen.

Yes. Probably.