
I see what you did there. There, did I see, strength, it will be.

Is it true that Yoda will be brought into the fold as a full time muppet. It seems to me his other franchise has kicked the bucket. At least according to Shatner.

They should make this "They Deserve A Date." the friend on the show can talk about the friends troubled love life. Then, the show will arrange for surprise mail order bride or groom from a geographical location determined by spin of the wheel.

I suggest they turn to Trier for inspiration, and call it "Before Melancholia." The time frame would just be the hours before the sphere Melancholia hits the Earth. And instead of either of the characters being depressed like Dunst was, they can both be wildly manic. Ya know, climbing trees and yelling at people at

He looked bashful in his dress at the Kodak Theatre. He knew this was the stage of stages to come out as a transexual, and he cried a little inside. Catching his gaze was Ash Kutcher. "Oh God," he thought, "what a dream boat." he was in talks to re-make "My Own Private Idaho" with Gus Van Zant. The plan was to keep

The Beavis & Butthead movie was in widescreen.

What does it mean when a screenplay is "widely distributed"? What studio had the distribution rights for that screenplay? Who had international distribution rights for the screenplay? So, actually this guy wrote a book which was an international phenomenon that Sly borrowed from liberally? This is an open and shut

There's potential for an inventory of documentaries that sought change, but didn't seem to do all that was hoped (even if the hopes were unrealistic). One clear example is Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth." Undoubtedly this film increased many people's awareness and understanding of global warming issues. However, it

Was Sam Rockwell a working actor already in late 1980's? Rockwell does seem to have some age, but I'd guess that Cruise is a bit older. I admit I was confused initially by the picture as well. I thought it was Jason Lee. I saw "Born on the Fourth of July" when it came out, but the picture is a little hard to place

If asked, I would consider constipation across the centipede as a positive. Also, lack of STD's and lip sores would be positive too, with the idea that all victims would escape eventually. Psychiatric damage would be tremendous to all. You know, if there's no food going in to #1, and they are all constipated, this

I wear rose-colored periscope glasses. If insanity is made of such "see-through-clothing" analysis, then call me Dr. Crazy, but I'm in my comfort zone.

Hmmm, I believe they wanted to directly leverage off of perceived box office success of "Cowboys & Aliens," and thus have CGI'd funkiness with this Western. However, the box office "success" was only seeable on the CGI'd 3D "box office" reports provided by the highly paid consultants who get non-box office related

I find it best to appreciate the debut, and realize that if the artist ends his/her career, that's just fine. The first album reaches popularity because of its merits. Any other releases are brought to the world's attention because of reputation created by first release (or first successful release).
I'm happy enjoying

(spoiler alert) The book, where the narrator dies in addition to the "boy in the striped pajamas", is different from the movie, where I believe the narrator survives. Very good book. it's tragic because it needs to be to serve the horrific subject matter justly.

For me, Star Wars: A New Hope (Episode IV) has a sad ending because of Obi Wan Kenobi's death, and also because of the destruction of Alderon. Granted, neither of these occurred at the very end of the movie, but both events were certainly on everyone's mind at the ending ceremony. I can understand that one could

I think a rock musician is most likely to hit it big around 24 or 25. And with excess that can be afforded thereafter, and many rockers famously partake in risky behavior, 27 may be a more statistically likely age than others for succumbing. But of course famous people die at ages all over the number map. And

By the way, edit mode only allows commenter to edit first several lines of comment.

Elvis costello's "allison" hit the nail on the head after failed attempts at relationships where the other person was less enthusiastic than me. The line "my aim is true" was a temporarily soothing line during those times. It meant, I saw good things here, I wanted you to be happy. This song was on the debut LP of

According to Ty Burr in The Boston Globe, this movie uncovers beautiful countryside. Who knows, maybe this will provide inspiration for me to take a trip to Spain (1 in 50 chance; you never know).

Actually, I didn't mean any of that. I misplaced my angst, and I'm glad it's now missing.