
Isn't the show in decline? So, Shearer doesn't pull my heart strings in any way. He's part of the top 1% wealth wise certainly. His disclaimer about how his argument isn't important societally does not erase the fact that he's making it. The news about the simpsons is simply filling a news void, and was from the rote

I saw these guys 4 years ago (?) at TT's in cambridge, mass. on a hot weekday night. The singer did not seem healthy at all, but he still brought it, even while sitting on a chair for most of the performance and reading many of the lyrics from scribbled pieces of paper. I listened to their music constantly for the

…makes me think of Bono's infamous lime from "Do They Know It's Christmas?":

I say Kirsten Dunst definitely heard of the term and read Nathan's article. She played like she didn't know. I mean, she's an intelligent woman who's stayed employed for a long time. She has friends who read, as well as people who do intelligence on her behalf within the media circuit. She's a recovering alcoholic

I've used to fall recklessly in love in high school with no safety net and before the young woman had much chance to consider me. It would feel so sweet to start, but when it proved to be not as fully formed in real life as in my head, it tore me up inside big time. To me, it was a commitment of exponential

Pearl Jam predated James with the guns/child theme with the cover of their Jeremy/Yellow Led single. I was a huge Pearl Jam fan when I attended their Lollapalooza (where I they played early in afternoon.) I would've bought t-shirt but PJ shirts had that photo too. Seemed clearly to be anti-gun message, but not the

Pearl Jam predated James with the guns/child theme with the cover of their Jeremy/Yellow Led single. I was a huge Pearl Jam fan when I attended their Lollapalooza (where I they played early in afternoon.) I would've bought t-shirt but PJ shirts had that photo too. Seemed clearly to be anti-gun message, but not the

Borders was headquartered in Ann Arbor. May the AV Club fare better there…

Actually, amazon states that their latest kindle can be charged enough to last for a whole week. So, you should be covered for your trip.

I recall when Rolling Stone didn't give stars on their record reviews for at least a couple of years. I like that notion. This way, you actually read the review. On the flip side, I recall when Pitchfork gave a cd a ten and a zero simultaneously. On the other flip side, why doesn't AV Club just give letter grades

If it had Ed Harris reprising his role from The Right Stuff, I'd pre-order the Blu Ray this evening. If it had Kate Capshaw reprising her role from Spacecamp, I'd skip it.

Did Ratner's research pay off for that Hobbit job interview? Well, he'll always have Madonna's "Beautiful Stranger" video on his resume. Take that, Peter Jackson and Fine Line. Was Fine Line named after the Spinal Tap quote? Because their movies were often dumb, but sometimes clever.

She's like Michael Jordan and baseball. She dreams of being the next Brett Ratner. Who wouldn't?

Hartman voice was such a big part of his comic delivery. Distinctive. He did voice-overs on SNL for a reason. He's in top 5 SNL performers, I agree.

Yes, post-mortem. Excuse me, but I ate selection of pills at the city hall prescription disposal center. I'm searching for meaning or accuracy in my post, but no dice. Until the next cluster-dosage, I'm humbled by reality.

Post-morgen of his characters
Oh yes, he was national space commander on West Wing. And he was Lance Armstrong in 1990, pre-dating the cyclist. Oh yes, and now his picture is same as James Taylor's, now that we are in james Taylor post-career era. I loved Taylor, and Armstrong, and the space missions. It's

Actually, sheen really is a jackass, and public accomplishments often mean bone shit compared to little unseen accomplishments like kindness, nurturing, sharing, gardening. So, he's but an annoying jester that made me laugh but can't leave my line of sight quick enough. Thus, old viewpoint renewed and cemented.

Sheen preconsidered
I thought sheen was top notch in hot shots. It came out around 1990, and I thought he was a revelation. Also, I loved how Lloyd Bridges puts a clarinet cleaner in one ear and comes out the other. At that moment, I knew sheen "could" do it, and it all made sense when he kicked butt in spin city and

Detachable Penis: real song?
Detachable Penis was a radio staple at turn of the century. Penis in a Box is along the same lines, but so much coulda been done by SNL with detachable penis. But was it just a "comedy song", like weird al or Tom Lehrer used to create/perform?

Matt Damon in The Informant
Damon knocks it out of the park as the chemist whistle-blower in Soderbergh's tragi-comic opus.