
adding to the hilarity is Homer's "Marge, how could you?"  Most shows would just be happy with the crude imitation

yeah knucles and he thought my son Renaldo was my son Rolando. Can you believe that?

Spyz Movie
Ever watch the Spyz movie in its uncut entirety? pure genius

agreed bruno in the HBO wasn't as much gay panic, as much as the movie was

there has to be some sort of categorization for movies that would be better in parts than as a film length:

also the thing that nearly kills the British series for me is the awful laugh track, or possible canned sound live audience.

Staines-West Massive

The huge difference in Bruno and later Borat was the SHOCK factor.

i think miller deserves something for that

Men face reality that's why men need to drink

Quiet mizerock, the Undersecretary is about to introduce Inspector Christensen's study regarding the…

Slumdog exposed millions of insular middle American housewives to the fact that maybe those foreign brown people have similar hopes and dreams to them. And they aren't even American!

It sure was nice..
…of Mr. Burns to invite us to a midnight dinner at his country house in

Now that's good eatin!

I am going to take a female Avclubber to this movie and hope they get the undertones

before we had registration and full profiles, the free-wheeling atmosphere was more predicated on the content of post. Rather than the cult of personality of the poster. Like almost every other website

see back before we had profiles we didnt need to worry about this shit. it was lasssez faire humor

someone explain to me the history of AVClub and said misogyny against certain posters.

I see even more space dust.

Entertainers ruined by fatherhood