
It's odd that you chose an episode of Angel of all things to demonstrate your point about the fuzzy world device, instead of the most obvious: the opening scene of Breaking Bad: http://www.avclub.com/tvclu…

The important thing about all of this is what it implies about Martin's thinking for WoW. In the finale Jon will 'die', Circei will do the walk of shame, Arya will kill Trant (as in the Mercy chapter from WoW), and maybe they'll have time to have Danny meet the Khalasar. That's pretty much all in line with the books.

Any grounds for this assertion?

Let's just be thankful they didn't bother with the Iron Islands crap. Stupid Greyjoys.

My concern isn't the depiction of evil- rape / burning children / et al. It's not as if Beinoff and Weiss are condoning these things, just showing how incredibly fucked up Westeros is.

Re: Mance Trutherism-