Former Twins 3rd Baseman Gary

Hey Ya was the first thing I thought of.  So upbeat that I didn't mind playing a song about splitting up at my wedding.

Hey Ya was the first thing I thought of.  So upbeat that I didn't mind playing a song about splitting up at my wedding.

The cuckold has now become the cuckolder.

I guess something by The Replacements.

I agree.  It's been good this season. 

Yeah, mine seems to have worked out better than yours.

Are you the Craig that Master P refers to at the end of 'Bout It 'Bout It?

Yeah, by the end of that I wanted to sponsor a bill banning gay marriage out of spite.

Fuck you Ped, for even making us know who Ben is!

I honestly think that avnevada is pretty messed up, based on this comment. They probably drink too much, is too concerned about their
image, pops a lot of Xanax, etc. So I guess that does make them a

@avclub-6aa0ab5b874b35bb21f89136ee1e8175:disqus Dude couldn't even stand on first base without falling off.

You should be banned for life for that joke.

All easy to answer

@avclub-ea098057cb0d1379deaf8c1cf4a1fe3b:disqus Yes I know that it was a scheduled rally.  No one takes Michael Moore at face value.  But as much as you think the terrorists won by the NFL canceling games after 9/11, you can still be sensitive to people.  Plus he damaged his retarded cause by keeping that rally.

@avclub-985d212e6afdce1ea7dc206c8d1963a1:disqus The fact your parents had Hello Nasty makes me feel old and now I'm depressed for two reasons.

@avclub-ea098057cb0d1379deaf8c1cf4a1fe3b:disqus  - He wasn't normally going to have a rally in Littleton, but went out of his way to schedule one there.  It's in poor taste, just like Fred Phelps going to soldiers funerals.  There's a time and place.  Sure he has the right to do it, but your argument takes any

AV Club writers, aren't you worried that Dan Telfer said he was going to burn down your offices on Doug Loves Movies?

I would be willing to bet any sum of money it is Ellen.

It was awesome how he would have NRA rallies after school shootings.  Great guy.

You should earn an honorary social science degree for figuring out teens are impressionable.