Former Twins 3rd Baseman Gary

So just International Player's Anthem.

I like hearing about the prize bag and I'm a person at home.

Compared to most ESPN stuff it is restrained.  It's impossible to watch Sports Center now due to how over produced every segment is.

I was supposed to go to a preview screening of this, but the address I was given was for an elderly white couple.

We can tell that's a lie because there are no "really good blowjobs" in high school.  Only "blowjobs in which she made a game effort, and I blew in 6 seconds.

If he's Pottawatomie, shouldn't he have a bingo card over his head?

They say stuff that is funny about snacks and other stuff.  That's the humor.

Razor Shines is still my favorite.

Congratulations on correcting a drunk guys spelling and/or grammar.  Your the best. 

The hardest part about liking when Community gets sentimental is telling your parents your gay.

You can't really dust for vomit.

Rosie Larsen: "You are the Weakest Link.  Goodbye."

Yeah, that was a meth pipe.  If you don't know what one looks like by now, you must be from Europe or somewhere adorable like that.

Are there other Farelly Brothers than the ones that made Dumb and Dumber and Outside Providence? Because these new Farelly Brothers are not doing so well.

Where is the mandatory comparison to Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes?  I thought that was court ordered to put in every piece about this band.

And Steelers wide receiver Mike Wallace.

Go back to Detroit, scrub.

Did you just arrive here from the 1600s?

Ain't nothin mini about them me's.  Amirite?

But his hair!