Former Twins 3rd Baseman Gary

You're catching a lot of heat here, but MGK and Mac Miller are the two dumbest looking emmeffers on the earth, and they're both white.

The guy who carries Andre 3000's parasol = non existent.

One of the white guys is named Machine Gun Kelly, so I would be more suspicious of him.

He started sounding like a very young Joe Pesci.

Yes, fake like that, because you can't be from all those towns.

The difference here is that basically the employees of the big corporation are forming their own sustainable businesses.

At least he hasn't had kids yet and still talks about things other than having kids.

Doesn't have to be female homophobes.  It's Key and Peele.

I'd just rather gripe about the Oscars turning into an impressionist contest.  Jay Pharoah should win one based on his youtube clips.

"Who's also the local sheriff"

I wonder if all the people bitching yesterday this album wasn't reviewed will now be satisfied.  Let's hope.

Not your step grandfather though, because then he'll fuck you.

Even her pixie-like adorableness and unrelenting charm isn't immune to the depths of dickholery on the internet.

Oh whataworkout, why must you be intentionally difficult.  If I said "All the cars on this lot are red", you would say "But some cars are blue".  That's true, but not the fucking point. 

I said delicious meats.  Not poorly prepared meats.  Reading comprehension, yo.

I wish I could get the recipe for that.

Can a buffet have too many varieties of delicious meats?  No.

I agree, Viva Chris.

It was all the better to hear him talk knowledgeably, when most politicians just say they like sports to pander to voters (like when the republican candidates got the day and even the sport wrong of the college football championship).

You can combine more than two things.