Former Twins 3rd Baseman Gary

I just started listening to Sklarboro, and I like it a lot.  I'm curious as to how this episode made it into the best category despite being panned in the review and sucking in real life.  Pollack just overpowers everything he's on like Jeff Garlin.


Shouldn't the Grantland network be able to afford better sound quality?  The Keri-Dameshek podcast sounded like it was recorded in a YMCA pool.

I found it alarming that a lumberman like Jack wouldn't know the dimensions of a 2x4.  It's not a quarter inch less, it's a half inch less.  Come on.

YES!! God I couldn't believe they actually put that out.  It was insane.

I only have one phone dick.

Hey! You're the 8th person to point that out. Weigh to go!

Remember how Kelly-Anne had that weird vein in between her boobs?  Well I do, and I did not like it.  No sir.

There we go.

That's not so raven.

It was bartender god.

He named himself that because, no shit, he was born on the anniversary of Nagasaki.

This many comments and none about Lizzy Caplan?  Something's going on here.

Gypsum Wall Board?

Gillian was great.  And I learned her name is pronounced with a hard G.  I just figured it was a Geoff deal going on there.

Right wing hack.

Everyone here makes an excellent point.

We're out of apple but have the other pies.

I have temperate deciduous fever.

I guess that guy went to high school with The Cape.