Former Twins 3rd Baseman Gary

What's wrong with being sexy?

These cola wars are out of control.

It's idiots doing stupid stuff that spun off a show targeted toward women. Not so much sexist as accurate.

Amirite folks!?

Florence has wider streets and not as cramped as most Italian cities, so it's probably easier to film in.

I don't mind Coldplay
and the rest of you can go to hell.

Easier Job?
Chris Harrison or Vanna White?

Can I store my Sketchup model of Bespin there?

I thought this would be about old women sunbathing.
I'll see myself out.

Black Eyed Peas. Maybe Rod Stewart.

A humanitarian worker named "Shitheadd"

He keeps one paintball in the chamber.
In case you were thinking of asking.

I would totally go to second base with her and get thwarted trying to go down her pants.

Let me summarize every thread on podmass ever.
Why no Bugle? Why no Mike and Tom eats snacks? Oh, there it is yay. Why is Savage Love gone? Carolla is retarded. Simmons doesn't know what he's talking about. Things that I like should be reviewed or ranked higher. Things I hate shoudn't be reviewed or ranked

Far be it for me to hate on a fellow Gary, but I hated that post oh so much.

I enjoy the Museum of Modern Art as much as the next guy, but including King Kong kind of effs your list.

Thank you
For not having another music festival when it is too hot to go to music festivals.

There's a fine line between racial and racist jokes, and it's understandable that people without any critical thinking skills don't understand that. My parent's thought Public Enemy were trash because the said "fuck".

Probably more like an Indiana Pacer.

This breach of message board etiquette will not be ignored, I assure you.