Former Twins 3rd Baseman Gary

I've got a car full of girls and it's going really swell…
the next stop is the East Side Motel.

Where's that enraged nerd
Who is always bitching about Mike and Tom not being on here?

Boring, Isn't it?
Just reading TV Club articles with your life?

ElDan feels sad for celebrities who get poked fun of. That's adorable.

Funny or Die is good to, as well as Important Things, Stella, Trigger Happy TV, and Da Ali G show. That's just off the top of my head minus the ones above.


Project Arturis
Could not have succeeded without him.


Who shot ya?
This guy apparently.

I just ambushed you with a broken cup of coffee.

If you're a drug dealer or prostitute, you know where the working payphones are. Believe me, I'm both.

The unions were all throwing their support to Adams because of the jobs this development was creating. Now they have all jumped ship because he can't deliver the jobs like he promised due to him not doing his due diligence and figuring out the he could not build on the land.

The portentous names totally ruined LOST and the Simpsons too.

The article didn't say which way the sandpaper faced. Maybe the grain is against his palm.

The most jarring thing that happens in this show

Sadly I'm aware that One Tree Hill has a different musician do the theme every week.

Bottom Lounge is pretty good too. Also the green line stop at Ashland has an awesome view on the overpass.

DeRogotis is a big supporter of the Black Eyed Peas who aren't critical darlings, so that whole argument isn't terribly true. And generally bands get to be revered by critics because they are actually better than other bands.

You're right about one thing.

If you don't get hung over - burrito or not - then you didn't really try.