Former Twins 3rd Baseman Gary

I'm a fan, but sometimes his rants on socio-political issues get tired. He's better when he's in Larry David mode, complaining about day to day interactions with people.

You heard it here first.
I bet the fiancee did it.

I enjoyed 'I'm on a Boat"
Until every time I have subsequently been on a boat, and someone has to yell that out.

Michaelangelo Matos hands off to Myles McNutt
Is just awesome.

It's funny because he's fat

Charlie's Angels
Why no Asian?

Albert Brooks is so good. Pretty much everything he says in that episode is perfect.

Yes it was too long. The chief changing his mind is easily explained by the fact Holder was new, and Linden had to train him a bit, but now the chief can see this case is driving her nuts. This show has gone way out of it's way to tell us Linden obsesses over these types of cases, so I'm not sure how that can be

Hank Scorpio
Best ever guest character and Top 3 episode.

He's Big Big Big, and he's Red Red Red. That's how he got the name….

Except that Jen Kirkman is funny, whereas Whitney Cummings is just loud.


Women be shoppinnnnnnn!

Generally an [e] means something is an editable field in a website template. Not sure why it's coming through on this end.

Ninja, Ninja……RAP!

Do you know how cold it is in Siberia?
10 degrees!

He got arrested a while ago for having about 8 different kinds of drugs on and in him. So there's a decent chance he was.

Remember when George Costanza told George Wendt "Enough with the bar already"? That comment is like that.

I know that the U. of Illinois football team isn't the greatest, but as a former football player, one would think Cameron could run correctly.

Who's the sexist, you just compared the two because they're both blonde. I would compare her to Justin Long in that they seem game and possibly funny, but seem to be in a lot of crap.