Former Twins 3rd Baseman Gary

They were paid to write the second season, but are not locked in to film it.

@Kirk - How much O'Keefe?

But once a week NBC is so cool. You guys just don't know NBC like I do.

@littlealex - Yes what a brave thing to come out against domestic violence. I'm against cancer, do you respect me all the more now?

Boondock Saints is the second worst movie I've seen, next to Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day. And I've seen Red Planet for crying out loud.

She was great in Knocked Up.

Good Detective

Roberts is probably one of the five worst pitchers in the hall of fame. Brown was probably upset that it took Blyleven this long to get in.

Hockey players are nice because they are Canadian.


I'm curious
As to what The Best of Sterling Hayden has to say about this roast. Anyone know where I can find his opinions?

The end of Point Break will be left untouched because it is perfect.

Dude, Kobiyashi is dead. It said so in the oscar montage of dead people.

Or I need to drive somewhere, please provide a road fucking state.

Why would you give a flying eff if they came back to Chicago? Worried about the longer lines on Rush and Division? It seems your type of jagoff wouldn't run in the same circles as that type of jagoff.

I've been looking for Trigger Happy Tv forever on region 1. The fact these regions even exist is stupid.

Remember FlashForward?
I kind of miss that show now.


Definitely, Maybe is really bad too.

is the most infuriating movie name since "Two if by Sea".