Former Twins 3rd Baseman Gary

Why would a pitcher for the Phillies write material for him?

Thanks alurin.
Fred Garvin - that still doesn't explain why it exists, dillhole.

Flanders - What's the deal with the weird Indiana schools? Indiana of Penn, IUPUI. That's all so bizarre. Stick to your own state Indiana.

Snitches get Stiches
Now Let's Dance!

Because they deal drugs out of barbershops. Everyone knows that.

I meant to say structurally similar.

Clare's arms
Something's going on there.

Hitler and Ghandi were similar
In that they both had a face, two legs, and two arms. But fundamentally they were different.

It's the highest of comedy to make a joke about a woman being sexually assaulted. I hope your balls catch on fire.

I saw him at the LA airport
And now you're all jealous of how awesome I am.

Mamet was a writer on The Unit, which also had a black guy that was an actor. So that can get confusing.

Right? Don't they have google maps? That would take 5 seconds to check.

I saw Explosions in the Sky before they even existed.

You embarassed me
In front of The Douche.

Douchebag theory proved! (by the commenter below my last post).

The Arcade Fire backlash was so inevitable, I'm surprised anyone would even say at this point that they don't like AF in fear of being lumped in with the douchebags trying desperately to not seem mainstream.

So was your mom.

because someone has to/will:

People in Chicago are so provincial about their accents. Beals bad accent could be explained by the fact that she is probably trying to hide an urban accent to be accepted by the the white establishment of the Chicago PD. And Clarke's isnt' that bad, it sounds like Chicago via Boston or something. There are so many

The moment she won was like a million retards suddenly cried out in terror, and then suddenly took to the internet to display their witless rage.