Former Twins 3rd Baseman Gary

The suspension of disbelief it would take to buy that Jennifer Aniston is some run of the mill frump is just too much to ask anyone. It's almost worse than when we were asked to believe Denise Richards was a physicist in that Bond movie.

They probably didn't want to name it "Ronnie and Sammi fight again like every episode. You're all not sick of that, right?", because it's bad for ratings (and way too long).

That commercial where Chico is at the bowling alley is awesome.

There's nothing dumber than when someone says "No offense" to something they said that intended offense. By the transitive property, there is nothing dumber than the commenter a few above.

Otm Shank


Very bold extolling you love for Linkin Park here Maus. It's like wearing a Vikings jersey to Lambeau Field. However, like the packers, Linkin Park is retarded.

Is there somewhere i could get a fart organ?

Their song was on Glee, which is now America's taste-maker.


LOST References
Besides Michael saying he was going on a walkabout, Dwight referred to Holly as a tracker (like Kate), and Gabe referred to himself as an "other", by not getting pop culture references.

Is holly hox a really Bruce Villance?

Pig in the City

It's Jesse Spanno

She's pretty
In a "Me and my biology study partner got drunk, so why not" sort of way.

I'm 80% sure that this is leading up to an appearance by her on the show. the other 20% is hungry.

I can't believe that Rapunzel movie cost $260 million. Seems like you could knock that animation out in a long weekend with a couple Asian comp sci majors in front of a Tandy.

Now that the Colts are out of the playoffs
They can get Peyton Manning to play Prince William. Or Whirlaway.

Something about Catholic Priests

The next verse numnuts.