Former Twins 3rd Baseman Gary

It's nice to see Ronald McDonald's wife doing well for herself.
He's been so successful with the burgers and all.

Don't watch, so not sure

And I'm not trying to be gimmicky, that's just facts.


Was recorded in an abandoned swimming pool I believe. That's something.

What was up with that retarded girl in Valentine's Day? That was just weird. I'm not talking about Julia Roberts btw.

Show me an otter in a one-piece and then we'll talk.

Lone Audience needs to find hotels in better neighborhoods when he travels.

I'll put my dislike of Morrissey into fist form

If you saw most of Ricky Gervais' jokes by themselves, they would look like typical late night talk show fare.


I would prefer Brother Mouzone. We know he's into business with the magazines he reads. Plus he already has the suits and bowties.

Whether they're academic nerds or sci-fi nerds, I'm still going to beat the piss out of them after me and my bros finish of a case of natty.

I wouldn't doubt she was drunk
on heroin

I wouldn't doubt she was drunk
on heroin

Modern Family Ripped off Gilligan's Island
Gloria - Ginger
Clare - MaryAnn
Gay Couple - Skipper and Gilligan (Also probably gay)
Jay - Thurston Howell

Oh good, a new Law and Order
Special Housing Unit should be pretty bad.

Fitter Happier
I thought that was going to be all over this list.

You can't have ever gone out in public and not heard Rainy Day Woman. It's impossible.

I blame you for trying to come off as some sort of intellectual with your "I don't watch TV" crap, zedophile. Go read a book dork.