Cajun Clearwater

The Baptist church my family went to was WAY in to end-times, Book of Revelation(s) shit. That wasn't the scary part for me personally though. I remember clearly a sermon where the pastor said that 2/3 of all the world's people would go to hell, like it was simple arithmetic, and I left the church (actually a junior

All the Choose Your Own Adventure books freaked me out as a kid. The fact that you could do everything right and still end up totally dead was really upsetting. Weird helpless feeling, when you're too young to have thought of it that way before. I got the same feeling as a teenager when I realized that if I were in a

All the Choose Your Own Adventure books freaked me out as a kid. The fact that you could do everything right and still end up totally dead was really upsetting. Weird helpless feeling, when you're too young to have thought of it that way before. I got the same feeling as a teenager when I realized that if I were in a

"Remember when I promised to kill you last? I lied."

"Remember when I promised to kill you last? I lied."

I plan to keep watching Alphas and ignoring its increasingly terrible ancestor.

I plan to keep watching Alphas and ignoring its increasingly terrible ancestor.



One reason space shows are cool is because they make it possible for characters to face incredible weirdness every week. Unfortunately, most of them stick to familiar ground after a while. Farscape, on the other hand, was completely nuts from start to bitter end. There's nothing else like it.

One reason space shows are cool is because they make it possible for characters to face incredible weirdness every week. Unfortunately, most of them stick to familiar ground after a while. Farscape, on the other hand, was completely nuts from start to bitter end. There's nothing else like it.

I've got a big scar on the right side of my neck, from surgery.

I've got a big scar on the right side of my neck, from surgery.

I suppose I'm late getting here, but I'll point out the Occasional Moment of Glau in this episode. She shows up in the Stanton Parrish freak-out near the end, apparently getting zapped by his strobe light, which ought to be a metaphor but isn't.

I suppose I'm late getting here, but I'll point out the Occasional Moment of Glau in this episode. She shows up in the Stanton Parrish freak-out near the end, apparently getting zapped by his strobe light, which ought to be a metaphor but isn't.

Heeeeeeeeeey, sexy lady!

Heeeeeeeeeey, sexy lady!

Nice thinkin', Ray.

Nice thinkin', Ray.

If I'm wrong, nothing happens! We go to jail - peacefully, quietly. We'll enjoy it! But if I'm *right*, and we *can* stop this thing…