Cajun Clearwater

Go back to Scythia, you Scythian son-of-a-bitch!

Nice, d.lo

From Bleh's link: "Make no mistake, as emperor, Palpatine is a dictator—but a relatively benign one, like Pinochet."

I got it, I got it! I know your damn words, alright?

Cookie, Granola, etc, I share that set of 80s era Fatalism For Kids memories, but I've always suspected that had its roots in the kind of place I lived. In places where reactionary conservatism isn't the norm, I wonder if people were/are better about raising their kids to expect a future, rather than teaching them the

Mr. Terrorist, those guys don't hold a candle to the ultimate expression of 80s greed: Ted DiBiase.

I hated them before I'd ever heard them, based on the name alone. I'm judgmental that way. Fortunately, they proved that my judgment was sound by being a musical abomination.

They're all true, and so is "No Holds Barred."

Pending… stand by…

Yeah, who the fuck is Norm Macdonald to pick on that poor man, just for killing a single blond woman? I mean, who hasn't?

"Atomic bombs led to the extinction of the human race (which is presently occurring albeit in slow motion)."

I don't know nothing about religion, but I went to a Baptist church as a kid, and I had no idea what purgatory was until I read Dante's Inferno in high school. Purgatory is just not part of the Protestant deal - it's all or nothing.

You're right, Dave, the Andorian probably didn't mean that, since the original post had nothing to do with what you wrote. Could either one of you please clarify what side you're on, so that we can all distribute our scorn accordingly?

Colonel Gentleman, it's 2:30 AM here, and you've already made my day.

Yeah, because of the C, but also because I'm really from Colorado. The "Cajun" part is a filthy lie. It came from a high school trip to New Orleans - all that extra oxygen compared to Colorado must have been for me like spinach for Popeye, because I felt high the whole time. I had a blast, and that was EXTREMELY

@alurin - I don't know, maybe Penntrillvania has its own fleet of kick-ass parasite ships, and we just don't see it due to budget. I'm sure the producers didn't want the Federation to look like an oligarchy. I think it would be helpful though if they had thrown out an occasional reference to that sort of thing, to

Well, OK, but… that's the last straw…

I'm thinking of Betazed, Trillistan, and a bunch of unseen and unnamed worlds. It's been a really long time since I watched DS9, but I think they had a storyline focusing on Bajor being admitted (or not) out of political convenience. Being in a "federation" would imply Bajor was previously an independent power, and

In the event they ever make another spin-off tv series, taking place after DS9/Voyager, they should whittle the Federation down to about a dozen worlds, each with its own fleet, but running joint operations with each other. This could fix a bunch of problems, like:

What, Romulans don't enjoy gum?