Cajun Clearwater

311 is from Omaha, Nebraska. What kind of music could they play which wouldn't result in an accusation of poser-hood?

I'm gonna regret this.

You're a National Treasure, Futurechimp.

We, uh, thought the beer was, uh, complementary for the band, you know?

Whatever. Fuck that guy, like a male prostitute.

I still laugh when I think of Osama Bin Rockin and the Taliband.

Shaman's Harvest: "Alternative Metal." Their song "Dragonfly" is all over hard rock radio. Overproduced, overwrought histrionics. I like the song anyway.

New! Direct-to-Plane Films presents…
the entire Kevin James catalog. Enjoy, captive audience!

First Contact is my favorite episode of TNG. The ending is "too neat" because a one-hour episode doesn't have time to establish an elaborate political system for a previously unknown society. One guy gets to decide because if we had to watch him hold some mundane board meeting with the Joint Chiefs and the Surgeon

Despite my nerd-shame, I admit I would love to see some Farscape reviews, but I think the only way that'll happen is if I write them myself. Which I will gladly do, for only a minimal fee.

I was a pretty big fan of Farscape (stop laughing). They killed off a major character specifically because the actor had an allergic reaction to the blue paint they drenched her with every week.

I guess I'm the only one that remains unaffiliated.

I'd real her America…


Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

@Flaubert Cooper

So on the scale of Randy Quaid (needs-help crazy) to Gary Busey (fun crazy), where does Snipes rank?

2nd vote for Motorhead.

I like First Contact, but the only way to get into it dramatically is to pretend like the events of "Family" and "I, Borg" never happened.

Clueless Neophyte, I just saw a German film called The Edukators last night. From your comment, I suspect you have too, but if not, check it out.