Not even a single reference to 'Two Guys A Girl And A Pizza Place'? I thought the only reason Seth Macfarlane made TV shows was so he could remind people of stuff that used to be on TV.
Not even a single reference to 'Two Guys A Girl And A Pizza Place'? I thought the only reason Seth Macfarlane made TV shows was so he could remind people of stuff that used to be on TV.
I cannot understand the Lilly Kane apparition at all. It would have been quite enough for Veronica to notice Weevil and head off to talk to him. And there are better (less ambiguous/supernatural?) ways to remind viewers of Lilly. It's a pure WTF? moment in an otherwise stellar episode.
Does this mean that Joss Whedon is gonna get an IMDB writers's credit for this one?
That's enough of that nonsense. Some of us have work in the morning.
It's only taken a year, but this episode finally airs in Canada next week. That's important to the few people who didn't already blind-buy the Season One Blu-Ray.
Why was the comment removed and why am I now a "guest"?? There's something funny going on here.
Huh? The second season premiere of 'Community' was basically them cramming as many standard TV-sitcom-cliches as they could to get them out of the way before the season really started. They even had Abed comment on how cliched the cliches were. No one here is doing any of that, I tell you what.
So, was there a joke here with the constant use of 'Roxanne'? I mean, obviously its repetition is integral to the concept, but they made SUCH a big fuss in last season's commentary tracks about how expensive it was to cram an entire episode with ABBA songs (and use up the entire season's music budget to do it) - did…
Wonder how Andrea's sponsor feels about that after Jesse's outburst at the meeting.
If next week's episode is directed by Steven Soderbergh, I will shit a proverbial brick.
It wasn't an accident. He just didn't give a rat's ass about her. He tossed her aside to get to Jesse and when she started to choke he just stood there like a deer in headlights trying to figure out his best option. And then she died. If he'd just instinctively rolled her back on her stomach once she started to choke,…
Wasn't it determined in an earlier episode that Disco Stu actually hated disco music, but that he now left obligated to stick with the schtick because it was the only thing that made people remember him?
What I can never figure out (and, no, there's nothing explaining it in
the shooting script) is how Spike and Dru managed to get into his
mother's house without an invitation.
Not Charisma and Joss, but Charisma and David Greenwalt. By season four they pretty much refused to be in the same room together. Before the end of the season David Greenwalt was out to do another show (that didn't last), and Joss pretty much took over by himself. (There's kind of a joke on that in an upcoming episode…
October 21st. So this season takes a little over a week.
Not really. This world doesn't presuppose the existence of a God (or Gods); some kind of afterlife wouldn't automatically mean there's a God either. Maryanne worshipped the "god that comes" which, as Sophie-Anne said, is only worshipped BECAUSE he never comes. Just 'cause she had super-powers doesn't mean that what…
Well, of course, it's always possible that Pam let Russell out (who else knew he was in there?) in hopes that he'd kill Sookie. And probably Bill too. (But I guess that means that she made him pinky-swear that he wouldn't hurt Eric?)
"did they ever resolve Tommy impersonating Maxine in order to get a couple thousand dollars for her home?"
Anyone else getting a little bored with all the vampire-on-human sex scenes? Aren't there ANY vampires in this state dating other vampires? That'd be something novel for season five.
Am I the only one convinced, especially after bumming the cigarette off Jesse, that Walt knows his cancer is back with a vengeance?