
Perfect origin story for Ice King's crown IMO, and I love how it has a crapload of callbacks and foreboding for things that'll play out in the finale and the rest of the series. Adventure Time's at its best when it delves deep into and expands on its rich mythology/lore, and this episode was no exception. Herpich &

I concur with a lot of the things mentioned in this thread, including the US homeland security parallels, JLU Amanda Waller comparisons and Sava's own reading of PB as Ozymandias, but like a lot mentioned here, I got a real Batman feel from Prubs this ep, from the obvious TDK reference with the room of monitors and

I usually fawn over Herpich/Wolfhard eps, but this one wasn't particularly interesting nor imaginative for me, and was the weakest ep of the week, yet still a solid B all around. Is That You? > Jake the Brick > Everything's Jake > Dentist

A quiet episode like this, with its simple narrative structure and equally simple subject matter, is the perfect breather after the mindblowing events of "Is That You?". A glimpse into the progression of the lives of some fan-favorite minor characters (and of dangling plot threads), amidst the excellent voiceover by

JMoyns' eps this season have been disjointed and overstuffed with content, despite my appreciation for high concepts (Something Big, Breezy, etc), and have been very hit or miss for me. But this episode was a home run, and easily the best of the four eps that came out last week. Coming off my high from watching

The Puhoy and Alice in Wonderland callbacks are a given, but this episode reminded me of the Ren & Stimpy ep in which Stimpy went inside his own belly button.

The fight choreography this season (special shoutout to the intense airbending) is off the charts. This is the best episode of the season and possibly of the entire series (in contention with "Beginnings"), as it really raised the stakes for the characters and makes you feel a sense of danger for our heroes that the

I don't usually like Somvi eps, but I absolutely loved this episode. It was a classic mix of far-out weirdness (in a good way), zany hilarious moments, and unexpected poignancy that only the best AT episodes have. Highlight was the reading of the inscribed-on-TP spells/poems, with a peer into Giuseppe's heartbreaking

P.T. Flea's circus + Untalkative Bunny surrealness = a pretty good (read: unique) ep

Man, this ep was awash with religious references. The Tower of Babel, eye for an eye (or in this case, arm for an arm), a crucifix can be spotted on the tower during an establishing shot before Finn talks to Jake and scares the deer away at the end of the episode, and the deer itself was very St. Francis of Assisi.

Was about to comment the same thing! The grass block with the deer on it was a dead giveaway for the Minecraft reference

Escape from the Citadel is a glowing reminder of why the Herpich and Wolfhard team is KING. Cole and Andy's Wake Up wasn't too shabby either

Anyone else getting a Corsair vibe (as in Cyclops' dad) from Martin the Human?

Did anyone else see the resemblance of the Rattleballs to the Manhunters of Green Lantern lore (robotic guards with red and blue color scheme programmed to eliminate threats and carry out orders with extreme prejudice but were eventually decommissioned)?

Might just be my BrBa hangover, but Banana Man, esp in the early part of the episode, really reminded me of Gale Boetticher, complete with vast knowledge in his favorite field, unrequited BFF-ship, and a penchant for singing

The Finnceline in me wishes Finn was left with Marceline instead of Jake (for sexual tension yadda yadda) just to get that subplot rolling again somehow, and also to test Finn's morality in that situation (as one who is weak to the female mystique), but I agree it makes more sense story-wise given Jake's increasing

This is totally off-topic, but I don't think I'll have any chance to express ideas about this topic ever again, so here goes.

Man, this episode's got to be AT LEAST an A- in my book. It just hit that only-in-Adventure Time sweet spot of high concept adventure, character development, great art, fantastic symbolism, hilarious puns, video game references and emotional depth, all revolving around the core Finn & Jake brothership. Herpich and

Flame Princess-Flame King DEFINITELY channeling the Zuko-Ozai dynamic, and character design similar to Azula to boot.