
This is like a wrestling feud where WWE is the heel and the fans are the faces. The heels shit all over the faces with terrible product, seemingly deliberately so and against all logic. The only enjoyment I get from watching is to see just how bad it gets, because I have an subconscious thought that eventually it will

This really was terrible on a pretty profound level. I feel like they're going out of their way to make me not care about WrestleMania.

I went to vote for Birdman as best film, saw it wasn't there, and decided these awards aren't worth even voting in.

I still don't understand why American Hustle and The Wolf of Wall Street were "comedies". If a couple of joke lines qualify it to be a comedy, Philomena should fall in there too. I haven't seen "Her" but it doesn't look like much of a comedy either. Even Nebraska is on the bubble IMO. I don't get it. And August:Osage