Pope Leo X

To be honest, I don't require a cat pic because, well, I'm the Pope and therefore I have the entire Pope Cat game locked down. So instead, please accept this blessing as a sign of gratitude for all of your tireless cat pic work.

Don't worry. Kanye shall sit at the right hand of God for all eternity.

That sulfur you smelled totally wasn't me, I swear.

I'd like to thank the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (especially the Vatican City correspondents), my mom, my dad, and most of all my main man and partner in brake pumping, Jesus Christ. All things are possible through you. Good lookin' out, bro.

I'm still on the Julian calendar. The future is confusing and I'm cold and there are wolves after me.

I'm pretty tired of seeing my dumb comment too. Not my proudest moment, to be honest. Though, if I had to rank my most epic fails (as the kids say these days), I'd probably go:

Hey, that guy looks just like my old pal, St. Gus of Hippo!

Lord, grant me chastity and continence.

Pump the brakes, bro.

WHAT THE FUCK. A whole category on Jeopardy tonight dedicated to popes named Leo and not a single clue about the illest of them all? Even those trifling ass bitches IX and XI got a shoutout.

My son, you may post whatever you feel.

I just issued the papal bull In Nomine Antiquissimis Prima, hereby excommunicating you from Team Oldest First.

I am a Pope who can never die.

Ice cream is everywhere
But never on your thighs

I condemn you to hell, foul beast.

No hugging.