John Sheffield

Seeing how he encountered "new Beth" for the first time, I can see him saying to himself  "I can work with this till the emotional roller coaster hits  the next curve…"  I doubt it took the scar for him to know something was up, but him mentioning how the sex was different, and asking about the scar gave her the

Yeah, they could almost have their own reality show.   If her being a high-strung nut was caused by the dynamic between her and her husband, this could be a game changer.  On the other hand, seeing how messed up some of her "sisters" are a lot of her behavior could be looked upon as self medicating and

I remember the first itme I heard the term transhumanism  I didn't know what it was, but once the explanation started I realized that I had heard about it all, but just didn't know the term.

It struck me as a somewhat cheesy warm-up.  I was in Toastmasters and on the speakers committee when I was in college.  My guess is that about the time that the scene changed is when the speaker would be shifting gears to the part of the lecture that only the harder core attendees would be interested in.

If I remember correctly, Sarah always drove.  If I were in his position I would want to know the route so I could tell if the cab driver was trying to run up the fare.  My annoyance was that the screen showed that only the one address was input.  I can't tell if it was a mistake, or if Felix was  actually leaving the

Felix's laptop had a mapping program onscreen.

Beth's car is nice enough it probably came with GPS (in case the car was lost or stolen).  Paul might have only used what was there.  Also, if the tracker is his, he might only be paying attention to it now because he figured out something was up.  As for the shower fake-out, my guess is that he was hoping it was

Much like clear plastic and tape will function as a car window.

Much like clear plastic and tape will function as a car window.

I have always thought that they should have always scripted and shot LAST RESORT as a limited run series with a planned stopping point at the end of the first season.  Most of my complaints about the series come from the fluff and formula padding so that they could burn through as little of the central story as

I have always thought that they should have always scripted and shot LAST RESORT as a limited run series with a planned stopping point at the end of the first season.  Most of my complaints about the series come from the fluff and formula padding so that they could burn through as little of the central story as