About Time

Can you be more specific? Do you hate Spurlock, ESPN, this documentary, the review of same, all of the above?

I did, however, have to restrain myself from posting the lyrics to "Caught In A Mosh".

Good articles, thanks for posting, Sheltie.

The gist of it is that the anthrax attacks were perceived as a biological weapons attack from Iraq, along with all those other WMDs, so we had to go in.

What Anon21 says. Plus there's this, which says that a bio-weapons attack would be tough and expensive to organize and execute and therefore unlikely; but then again so was crashing planes into the WTC and the Pentagon.

R.F. Laird. Wrote the Boomer Bible, which you should check out if you haven't already.

They'll pay 1/3 of the cost to have it developed.

Elmore Leonard did it first. Same title and everything.

Corporations are people too, Fastandsloppy. Psychopathic people.

Don't single out just the media and entertainment corporations.

In this instance, Urrite, urrite.

You and grognak the barbarian should chat more often. Don't forget to get your black t-shirts back.

"Selfless, Cold and Composed" by same. Half as angry, twice as hurt.

Wow, good call ZMF. Hadn't heard that in a while.

Robyn Hitchcock's "Eye"

I hope you at least got good meds.

Which poems?

I didn't watch the episode, but I did read your manifesto, and I am 100% certain it would be better than the actual show.

That made me laugh, Rip.

That's a people who work on movies thing? I have a friend who grew up in Indiana and she refers to all movies as "shows" as well. She doesn't work in the movie business at all, and no one else I know does that, so I figured it was a midwest colloquialism.