About Time

*Hamster Huey's lawyers order cease and sesist letter*

It'd depend on the soundtrack.

Wait til you see the gritty reboot of Top Cat they have planned. All the boys on the prowl, hiding from Officer Dibble, chasing the lady cats… Gloria Steinem already disapproves.

Hong Kong Phuckit.

"Lopez is a lazy man, he sleeps the day away!"
"Hey, you gonna take that, Lopez? C'mon out!"

Dead McMahon is correct.

And more recently:

Escaped maniac:

Are the women on Mad Men subjugated? Serious question.

El Dan - they say it's kinda frightening how this younger generation swings…

Things Deputy Sheriff butterbean probably never says:
"I'm pursuing the suspect on foot."

Tanya Donelly is a babe!

Feel Like I - I haven't seen this yet, but thecarsonmcullers did, and was pretty much right on with what I thought it might be. (Thanks carson.)

"What is this Billy Corgan of which you speak?

I read "Soon I Will Be Invincible" and you should too. My only complaint was that it was too short; I could have read another 200 pages, no problem.

@ Feel Like I - crazy people being crazy tend not to help out other people in need, last time I checked.

No argument about diffusion of responsibilty; the debunking I refer to is about the Genovese murder itself (the 38 witnesses was a fabrication by a newspaper reporter, one kid did call the cops and the cops never came that night).

Once again, wish I had HBO. This looks fascinating.

The Genovese witnesses' inactivity
was pretty well de-bunked in Superfreakonomics, wasn't it? The NYPD phone system was more to blame than anything else, if I recall correctly.

I finally saw Winter's Bone and it was great.