About Time

Jesse wants to be dead. Black is a new color for him.

Dormammu, I'm approaching 500 comments myself. Any advice?

Shoot all the fucking bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.

Well, now it's the morning after. How's the hangover? Archmage of the Ether had a hangover ratings system he posted last week, maybe you should check that out. Drink water, get some rest, everyone's phoning it in to work today so you might as well skip out. Who works in August anyway? Half the world is on vacation.

Shore Patrol, that was awesome.

A cameo by Cameo would be incredible.

Don't feed them, Narrator.

Began in 1997, and not 1 penny support!

He's never early, he's always late. First thing you learn is that you've always got to wait.

Maybe next time.

I maintain that Kansas City is an overlooked gem of a place.

More goes on at truckstops than I would have imagined, it seems
…including bikini car washes. Who knew?

Fast forward the clip to 4:00
That's when the "I'm gonna vomit and drink a beer" quote starts. The last 30 seconds is the bass player apologizing, repeatedly, to the crowd.

I intend to seek it out today, and find out for myself.

"Fronch bread…fronch dressing…"
Agreed with everyone saying this movie is great.
But howcome no one mentioned my longtime crush E G Daily in that dress?

I'd never heard of Alan Wake, but after reading the Wikipedia entry it sure sounds like it'd be a better movie than Twixt.

I thought that too, but there aren't any real consequences to giving up your partner (well, you lose the money, sure; but you're still gonna go home in 48 hours, empty handed or not) so the incentive to talk is significantly lower.

Billy Mack is a detective down in Texas
You know he knows just exactly what the facts is

Frank's Wild Years
Frank settled down in the Valley, and he hung his Oscar statues on a nail that he drove through his wife's forehead.
