About Time

Yes please! This guy is so good.

Revisit it, MH; worth your while.

Enjoy your firstie while it lasts - we're not going to have firsties in 20 years.

It's been an American tradition since Daniel Boone famously inscribed this on a tree in Tenessee: "D. Boon Cilled a. Bar an drank it seemen in the year 1760."

"Dude Semen I would drink, because it has alcohol as opposed to plain ol' bear semen."

I'm trying to think of even one funny/deeply interesting rape scene in anything, ever, and coming up with nothing, except this exchange:

4. Ainu

Thanks for the catch, El Crab. You should read it, it's really quite good.

I have no doubt it'd be cool, Archmage; I just can't wrap my head around that image.

You got the bad part right.

Request permission for an explanation, please.

If we all make a concerted effort to ignore him, he'll go away…

I don't think Fluttershy is the Doctor or Aaron.

Nothing like it in the World.

Something something not about slavery, it was about states rights something something

Don't forget the tattoos, Lux - Fightin' Irish leprechaun for the boys, shamrocks for the ladies, and celtic knots/crosses for everyone.

Don't mind him. He used to be an Irishman.

Warren - request for explanation with a reasonable amount of detail, please.

And then he went home…
to get his fucking shine box!

Flailing Stick - you got it right about Summer of Sam and "Don't Leave Me This Way". Made the trailer way more interesting than the movie.