About Time

I have read that a good way to beat the polgraph is to keep a thumbtack in your shoe, pointy-side up, just under your big toe. Each time you answer question, step on the tack - blows the readings out of the water.

You've never been to Boston, have you.

All I can remember is Chris Holmes from WASP, piss-drunk in his pool, pouring vodka down his throat and insulting his mom, and calling himself a piece of crap.


Point of Order: expecting any non-prepackaged foodstuffs from 7-11 to be palatable is setting the bar a little high.

You're wrong. God has answered your prayers, such as they are. Go your way and firstie no more.

Howard Johnson is right!

The Trail's End
Some day they'll go down together
they'll bury them side by side.
To few it'll be grief,
to the law a relief
but it's death for Bonnie and Clyde.

Why did he grow a beard? I can't leave him alone for five minutes,what the Christ, what the devil

New to the internet, are you? Most of that stuff seems charming in comparison with what you can encounter (with very little effort) using Google.

Seconded. Laid back whining from a drug-addled, overprivileged little snot about how sad life can be when you don't get what you want, or how great life is when you do get what you want while being a drug-addled, overprivileged little snot.

How is he so good at that?

Breast news I've heard all day.

Makes me wish I had HBO.
Didn't know much about the reserve clause (I thought it was some Bill Veeck era/style shenanigans), and even less about Curt Flood, but this sounds worth checking out. Thanks for the write up, Rowan.

"You guys do realize that dance was not meant for you or any adult male…" huh? Seriously? Where did you get that?

Okay, I laughed out loud at that. Nice one, Snarkberry.

Encore On Demand
posted a whole season of Rat Patrol a couple of months back. That was pretty cool.

That link you posted up there?
I do not want to know more about that.

Classof2000 has bested me, and the OP mentioned the rat story. I need more coffee.