About Time

All that hate is gonna burn you up, kid.

How is Wylie's
Boston accent?

…then a skeleton popped out!
Thanks for watching this so I didn't have to, Kenny.

I read all of those, twice. Best argument for not going all-registered that I can see…

Oh my God! This:

Banmar, did you witness that? Sorry about your brother but Jesus that's funny…

I meant to type candwich, of course.

a sandwich is a sandwich
…but a canwitch is a meal.

@Unregistered Subhuman - very nice.

But how many Presidents had hooks for hands?

He's Sergeant Pepoohsten.

John Valby was a big part of your childhood? Damn! That's equal parts disturbing and awesome.

6 pages of comments and no one metions Napolean XIV?
"They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha Ha!!!"

I was wondering about what's considered novelty as well - if a novelty song does not necessarily need to be humorous, I would list Throbbing Gristle's "Hamburger Lady" and Suicide's "Frankie Teardrop".

"Jesus was way cool. No wonder there are so many Christians. "

I Hate Banks was the second song I ever bought off iTunes. It's still so goddamned good.



Bring On The Dancing Horses!
Bad Horse!

A Bad Joke About Viagra
Here is your Bad Joke for today: