About Time

Craig, meet Ace Hunter.

Ace, meet Craig J. Clark.

Depend$ on what you mean by totally $tupid, I Gue$$.

DPA - Karla Ha Ha just ran out the back with a book of matches. Said something about getting the cat.

I approve of The PA System. Good execution.

Seconded, unfortunately. I presume his bitterness is at least partially fueled by cocaine?

@Flaubert - I took this as an ironic refutation of the black woman talking on her cell phone. I stand by that belief.

With young African American talking on his cell and the Wesley Willis guy, it's a great time to be a gimmick poster on AV Club.

Worst McCartney song?
"Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time".

Thanks eddie, that makes sense.

Somebody I never met but in a way I know
Didn't think that you could get so much from a picture show

The Movie Loft! Dana Hersey! WCVB Chet and Nat!

Mikosqz has it right. Lydon was just looking for attention; as long as people knew he hated something he was getting what he wanted. That his t-shirt said "Pink Floyd" is incidental.

Saw the movie as a teenager (not stoned like most of you reprobates) and loved it, awful and terrifying as it was.

All this talk about Waters solo records, and no one mentions Gilmour's "About Face"? It puts TP&CoH and Radio KAOS to shame.

for whom the dice rolls…

They killed Christ!

Enjoy the free buffet.

Screw The Great Space Coaster - more Far Out Space Nuts or GTFO

A Bad Joke.
This mohel had a peculiar habit: after circumcision, he would save the foreskin in a jar. After a while, he had quite a large collection, so he decided to get them stitched together and made into a wallet.