About Time

You watched Cop Out?

"No way you big spastic, you're a mentalist!"
"They're tungsten-tip screws for claws."

At least it wasn't a candlejack thing. Seriously. I hate th

He's still a douche.

S. Thompson

And right after that: "Journalists have attempted to tie the two incidents together in articles either noting or declaring some facial similarity between "Bernann McKinney" and Joyce Bernann McKinney. Some reports considered the two to be the same person."

Rereads when I want to drive myself crazy for a while
The Boomer Bible by R.F. Laird
House of Leaves by Danielewski

Annearchist - try Alas, Baylon if you liked Earth Abides. Be curious to know what you think.

@Lemur - Lonesome Dove! Good one.

The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Vol . 1: The Pox Party ; and Feed - both by MT Anderson. Fantastic stuff.

Go back and re-read Something Happened, and stick with it this time. It really is worth your while. Mad Men fans might especially appreciate it.

From Hell; especially the tour of London Gull gives whatever his name is (the driver- Nutley is his name?) and the Dance of the Gull Catchers.

Black Orpheus - what PatrickC said. I re-read Consider the Lobster and A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again compulsively.

@kimstaff way up there - I reread the USA Trilogy about once a year. Great stuff.

The pet store had BABY LIONS? Jesus. The monkeys for sale in the back of comic books I sort of remember (I'm a bit younger than you). The exotic pet laws are reeeeally lox in a lot of places, which is part of The Elephant In The Living Room's premise - there aren't a lot of barriers to owning pretty much whatever you

Sarge! Where you been, man?

The speeding train on fire in War of the Worlds was pretty scary, too. Not a kid's movie per se, but still…

Wow, good one. I got slapped in the face three times by SSJ K. Duffy (in front of the entire classroom!) for roughhousing with another kid.