About Time

And in Cruising!

Thanks for that tidbit, Doc. At least they spelled everything correctly.

@Montypark - Eddie Griffin brings coolness, rap skills and hilarious stereotypes to a small town in Ireland. None of the Irish characters were Irish, it wasn't filmed in Ireland, and Mo'Nique plays a character called "Psycho".

Bros before lawz LOL amirite?

Fattening up our tapewoooorms!

Ain't no cure for the summertime TV blues. This looks worse than horrible.

I have a gub.

Mother Superior jumped the gun.

Funny you mention this - I just read Harlan Ellison's "The Deathbird" last night and, for whatever reason, 9/11 popped into my head. Check it out, it's worth your while.

Wait - is this where we start talking about the relative merits of Meg's boobs vs. the relative merits of her drumming? I'd hate to miss that one.

Tangled was good. Toy Story 3 was better.

What's that blue thing doing here?

Sorry, I meant to say "punk credit union".

There used to be a punk bank out of I think Michigan called the Crucifucks.

Galafinakis impaled on a spit! Then he'd masturbate and smoke a bong!

Monty, what time do you start drinking if you're hungover at midnight?

I haven't seen part two and now I don't even want to. I shouldn't feel this strongly about not seeing a dumbass movie, but I do.

Andy's Dick Burst Out Of Seoul.


I think it's clear that Equestria is a territory comprised of city-states within its geographical boundries. The use of local militia when under threat (from smoke-emitting dragons or parasprites) lend credence to this appelation.