About Time

Emily beat me to it. You want creepy? Check out the mask on the kid…

Make mine a Maker's Mark Manhattan.

Now let me tell you something - I'm not real FOND of the phone company either, you know?

You've given that a lot of thought…

Book of Revelation, Doc. No plural. It's all one big revelation.

They took his fingerbang threat seriously.

Yeah, same here. I thought maybe the review would be for a Lifetime Movie for Women with a title like that.

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color
having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

Violet Crumbles just had an existential meltdown over monkeys in Congo.

I am glad we're in agreement, Mr. Clark.

James Urbaniak!
That is all.

oops, I mean Leigh.

Little plotlines made of ticky tacky
HOWEVER, I'll watch Jennifer Jason Lee in anything.

Well we followed him from Tucson, ended up in Baton Rouge
We trailed him here with information by
A woman he knew in Barstow that would like to see him dead
That was four weeks ago…well, maybe five…

Toby Jones would make a good Haymitch
the bitter drunk guy who'd won years before. Haymitch was his name, right?

I'm inclined to agree with HipsterDBag on this one. Salt and Sucker Punch seemed pretty clear in what they were selling, as were Winter's Bone and Meek's Cutoff…

I thought you did that already…

I ditched it after the first chapter.

Watcho, you're responsible for over 20% of the reasonable conversations here, all by yourself. That's commendable, no matter what else anyone might say.

Cheesecake Factory is awful. Heaps of overpriced garbage food that looks, feels and tastes mostly microwaved. You can have all of mine.