About Time

On a semi-related note: The Pirates and The Mouse: Disney's War Against the Counterculture is worth checking out.

I'm still holding out hope for a TWIST ENDING OMG but yeah, uninspired about sums things up. Good write up by the way.

Or she's just a good old-fashioned pre-Vatican 2 Catholic.

No More Guilt-o-Meter I guess
Oh well.

Paging Wax Tom Cruise
white courtesy telephone

Yes, they should.

So Katy Perry wants large bread, is what you're saying.

"What do you think of Mr. Hilter's politics?"
" I don't like the sound of these 'ere boncentration bamps."

IE9 or higher for Anatomy of a Mashup please
I'm using IE8 because I'm too lazy to install a new browser and plus I don't really care.


Never occured to me to check this guy out - all I really knew of him was the stuff he did for Pixar. I stand corrected, nice job on the article.

Congratulations, you have just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to Old Pink, care of the funny farm, Chalfont.

@Terry1 - FWIW, all that child support is going to his first wife, who was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and really put the blocks to him emotionally and financially.

What the first…

Newt, I tried to read your Civil War novels.

Second this. Good call Craig.

Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing! Z'nourrwringmm…

@Kolchak - I beleive she has birds type for her. That makes much more sense, you must admit.

Arsenio made me laugh with that one.

Red Kamel Lights, when I can find them and I can rationalize paying $10 a pack for something that will probably eventually kill me.