About Time

'tis so

So listen: about that thing? I told no one.

Oh boy.

May as well head back to the bar for today then. You earned it.

She gave him the Stare.

I know you feel strongly about Fluttershy, Zsasz… maybe you should prepare yourself for what's sure to follow.

I finally saw The Long Goodbye last night.


Did he say "splunge"?

Say again?

Ted, Woody and Junior
Were disappointments to their fathers
But they had a way with lather
And they covered each other with soap

Oh, the police force here is fine, so long as you're not jaywalking, or a mentally ill homeless person who does not PUT THAT TINY LITTLE KNIFE DOWN RIGHT NOW

Reality has betrayed Gary Busey again

I'd bet on Zsasz to win.

I'd Buy That
for a half a dollar

But his struggle defines him. Remember what Camus wrote about Sisyphus.

Don't be fooled by the paleolithic-era collection of naturally occurring solid aggregate of minerals and/or mineraloids that she's got, she's just Jenny from the block.

I thought it was a screencap from the 2nd season of Kitten Breaking Bad. Kitten Tortuga meets his end, Kitten DEA gets blown up.

I thought that was weird too.