About Time

"This is the North, we do what we want"

No disrespect Cookie, but I went for the cheap laugh.

Y'know, I had no expectations because I didn't know it existed before reading the review (I thought it might be about one of those Supermax jails that MSNBC runs in doc blocks from time to time). I liked it a lot; I guess what I would say is that if you enjoy that sort of thing that Superjail is the sort of thing you

Brown chicken brown cow!

The 600 series had botoxed skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human… sweat, bad breath, most unpopular Govenor in California history …everything.

I'm watching Superjail for the first time and drinking a martini.

Your secret is safe with me.

No worries, little pony. I don't judge.

They mentioned a drug
that simulated waterboarding…

I figured you'd be open to gay rights, Fluttershy, what with Rainbow Dash and all.

@ whataworkout - exactly. When I think about my own past involvement in the Catholic church, it was…okay. Nothing really bad or really good happened, it was just part of my life. I was stunned and outraged when the scandals started getting attention in the press and it took a long time for me - lapsed from the Church

Are the TSA guys who check your id and scan your carryon at the airport considered federal agents? The non-specific way he keeps saying that, plus his "I know when someone's lying by looking at them" would fit.

I remember hearing an episode of This American Life featuring what some part of the NYC school system did with teachers that had some sort of black mark on thier records - outburst in class, what have you. What they did was, they sequestered the teachers in a room and just let them sit there for 8 hours a day, 5 days

The poisoning was just a power play, I think - Mags's way of saying that the town was hers & you don't grow (or do anything else with or on her land) without her permission. Hell, her son is local law enforcement, no problems with a cover up.

This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps.

Just a pair of knickers then, please.

This is my only line.

Great write up, Todd
I wonder: are you entertained watching Frontline? The subject matter is so often compelling and the execution of the material is so well done (more often than not) that I find myself feeling better having watched Frontline and/or American Experience than most other things. Entertainment means

Online @ PBS.org/frontline. They have a decent stock of past programs too. Worth your while.

Add in bragging rights for your country, the adventure of exploration, and sometimes a crew of guys who had little option outside of the Navy to either advance their positions in life (or to escape whatever trouble they were in back home) and you've got a few more reasons to go.