About Time

@ Kills Owls Dead - IMDB says no Krakauer. I read "When Men Win Glory" this summer, what a great, sad story.

It Was PBS Cannibalism Night in Seattle
The local PBS station ran two American Experiences last night: Greely's Expedition and one on the Donner Party back to back.

Thirdses on The Terror. Loved that book.

Sterling Hayden - no real comparison with Girl Next Door; different dynamic & less (I guess) horror in Dogtooth. I don't recall having even a small laugh with Girl Next Door, but Dogtooth isn't without humor.

Second on Dogtooth - finally saw it last week and wow what a creepout.

I see what you did there.

Grimm's Fairytales
Looking For A Bride
Hans My Hedgehog
King Thrushbeard
Frau Trude
The Mouse, The Bird and the Sausage
The White Snake

I wish I hadn't brought it up in the first place.

Is dustant a typo or some Britspeak I'm too dim to recognize?

Does the average person in the UK
care about this as much as the US seems to?

King Bastard - government control after a national collapse & student uprisings.

It wasn't depressing every second - the "Love Will Tear Us Apart" video was hilarious. The old coot's tinfoil-lined house told you more about that character than 10 minutes of dialouge could've and was good for a laugh too.

The War Game was excellent - stark and scary, if reflective of the time in portraying what nukes would actually do.

Damnit missed this one below

"I have found some temporary sanity in this
Shit and Lady Gaga's perfume on my hands"

Happy to see all the PBS love here
what with reviews of American Experience and Frontline. Please keep it going.

Phish, why do you assume the target audience to be younger than the characters it depecits?

a Nick - do you have some examples of the bias you've lately noticed? I think I kinda know what you mean, especially when it comes to their pieces on Iraq.

yes PLEASE add frontline to TV Club.

Gentle Herpes is right - John Williams did the theme song. The one that makes you happy, Haysoos, was the third season music (and when the opening credits changed w/o the floating space people set adrift animation, which always sort freaked me out)